HORARIO: 10:00 a 20:00 hrs.Protecting and Promoting the Health of Summit County Citizens Since 1919. The jurisdiction of the Summit County Health District includes ten townships.After our wander around, we drove a little further along the road to stop at a second monastery of St Georgios Krimnon, built in a similar style with a courtyard, defensive tower and church inside the enclosure, although this time there were cloisters along one side of the courtyard. The church was closed at the time, so we couldn’t look inside but we were intrigued by the large bells hanging from the olive trees outside. We couldn’t get away without buying some nougat from the old man and his wife manning the roadside stall who was calling everyone to come and buy his fruit, honey and oil with all the persistance and patter of a trader in the bazaar.What kinds of documents will be required to be deposited at the bank?